**_In this two-part series, social activist Shabana Diler interviews Maheen and Rinchin – two independent filmmakers who have paved a different, challenging and exceedingly interesting path for themselves. Through a collective effort, their fascinating journey has led them to make ‘Turup’ and ‘Agar wo desh banati’ – two remarkable films of our times. This part discusses making of ‘Turup’. Next one…
**_In this two-part series, social activist Shabana Diler interviews Maheen and Rinchin – two independent filmmakers who have paved a different, challenging and exceedingly interesting path for themselves. Through a collective effort, their fascinating journey has led them to make ‘Turup’ and ‘Agar wo desh banati’ – two remarkable films of our times. First part discussing making of ‘Turup’ was pub…